Guardian's Egypt
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Here is the latest and most CREDIBLE news from Egypt:

Egyptology News

More Latest NEWS

Dr. Zahi Hawass on establishing a chair for Egyptology at AIU

Dr Zahi Hawass Discusses His Departure (July 2011)
With the recent shake-up within the Egyptian Government, the Antiquities Ministry has been dissolved and the future of Egyptology hangs in the balance. Dr. Hawass explains his recent departure.

Guardian's Egypt fully supports the recreation of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities and the reappointment of Dr. Zahi Hawass as its Minister.
Dr. Hawass has worked tirelessly to protect the monuments and antiquities of Egypt. In addition to the many exciting discoveries made under the leadership of Dr. Hawass, he  also has a solid ongoing plan for restoration, conservation and management of the sites, has instituted new training to increase the involvement and expertise of native Egyptians in the field,  instituted new higher standards, created new modern facilities new museums are being built, there are now nicer and cleaner sites with improved facilities for tourists, and many antiquities have been returned to Egypt from other countries. This is just part of the progress that has been spearheaded by Dr. Hawass. The future of the past is at stake.

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Guardian's Egypt - Hale Bopp Comet over the Pyramids at Giza - Copyright (c) 1997 - Andrew Bayuk, All Rights Reserved
Hale Bopp Comet over the Pyramids of Giza

Learn about ancient Egyptian royalty
Visit the websites of various Egyptian artifact collections
The Official Website for the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities

Other Egypt Websites

Explore online excavations and information


2011 Spotlight Interview with Dr. Zahi Hawass
Read this latest
exchange between Andrew and Dr. Hawass with a brief update about the situation after the recent protests in Egypt.


2008 Spotlight Interview with Dr. Zahi Hawass
Read this latest discussion between Andrew and Dr. Hawass and get updates on King Tutankhamen, DNA tests on the 18th Dynasty mummies, the robotic exploration of the Queen Chambers shafts in the Great Pyramid, new discoveries at Saqqara and the Valley of the Kings, and more!
Read the other Spotlight Interviews with Dr. Zahi Hawass

Ancient Egypt On The Web
Welcome to Guardian's Egypt where you can explore the mystery and splendor of ancient Egypt from the comfort of your own computer. Egypt is a fascinating land which boasts of a rich history and a colorful culture. The pyramids are only the beginning of the amazing traces of an ancient civilization that was unique, totally dedicated, creative, organized and fruitful. It is amazing to see the degree of sophistication and ingenuity that the ancient Egyptians employed in the building of their prolific monuments. Now, through the marvel of modern technology, you can visit Egypt, both past and present! You can actually "surf" the ancient world! Here are my Egypt pages which provide great pictures, facts and information about Egypt, and offer many links to Egyptology and Egypt resources throughout the Internet. Be sure to check out all of the "Guardian" labeled Egypt features, as these are my contribution to original Egypt content on the web. Also, be sure to take Guardian's CyberJourney To Egypt  - your online tour of the ancient monuments, presently featuring the pyramids.
     Whether you are merely fascinated by Egypt, are doing a school Egypt report or project, or are seriously engaged in the study of Egypt, this site is for you. Enjoy, and check back often, this site is constantly updated, it is an ongoing labor of love..

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The History of the Conservation of the Sphinx

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