The Official Website of
the Egyptian SCA
out the official website for the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquties and learn about
their staff and their work to preserve, conserve and manage the treasures and monuments of
The Egyptian Presidency Here's an official site that features information about Egypt's President Mubarak, Egypt profile, News Desk, archives and more!
Tour Egypt The the official website for the Ministry of Tourism, Egypt. Here you can get good information about traveling to, and accomodations in, Egypt.
Le Cafe Your Online Connection to Egypt. There are no strangers here, only friends you haven't met yet.
Egyptian Radio Here is an ONLINE Egyptian Radio Broadcast featuring documentaries, classical and modern Egyptian music, news and more! Brought to you by SIS.
Welcome To Egypt A nice concise page with a variety of links to art, mathematics, monuments, astronomy, interior chamber views and more!
Egyptian State Information Service This site offers information about Egypt, both past and present, including politics, history, economy, culture, the Egyptian Parliament tourism.and more!
Arabic NEWS.COM Finally there is a decent website that features news in the Arab world!
Egyptians Recipes Page Here's a nice list of Egyptian recipes brought to you from the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism!
About Egypt Here's a nice concise presentation about Egypt's land & resources, people, economic activity, goevrnment, history and more. Brought to you by Farouk Srageldin.
The Official Aldo Page Learn about the music of Aldo, the Franco-Arab singer that has gained popularity in Egypt!
Egypt Today Enjoy the online version of this popular Egyptian magazine, presented in English.
Cairo Scene An ultimate guide to art & entertainment in Cairo, Egypt
Tasty Vegetarian Recipes from Egypt Now you can enjoy lovely vegetarian dishes prepared from Egyptian recipes!
Cairo Weather Here's a 5-day forecast of the weather in Cairo. Always current.
Egyptian Newspapers Online! Now you can peruse the Egyptian newspapers, Al Messa and Al Gomhoria!
Reflections on Sinai Bedouin Women This new page offers information on the lifestyle of Bedouin women in the Sinai. A nice site that's sure to grow!
Cairo Live A great new online magazine featuring Entertainment, News and Views, Today's Top Headlines and more!
A Brief Review of Modern Egyptian History This page deals with more recent Egyptian History from the middle of the 18th century on.
Saqqarah Web This is the official website of the American University in Cairo, though which you can learn all about their programs.
A Journey To Egypt Read about a journey to Egypt.
The Egyptian Consulate This is the homepage of the Egyptian Consulate in Chicago, IL.
The Egyptian Gazette At last, the only English-language Egyptian daily newspaper makes its debut on the WWW!
EGYPT- Sand, Pyramids, and the Nile This page is an index to Egypt sites throughout the Web.
EGYPT This page features facts about different aspects of Egypt.
Egypt Has It All! This page was created by the Egyptian Tourism Authority and has some good information about different parts of Egypt.
Cairo American College This is the unofficial homepage for the Cairo American College, located in Maadi, Egypt. These pages provide a nice history and description of this excellent school.
Egypt Information Highway This relatively new Web site contains "Culture Net" and provides links to Egypt, past and present
EGYPT-NET This page features ongoing discussions about various topics including present day Egypt, ancient Egypt, religion and politics. Free subscription to their e-mailing list.
Egyptian Homepages Here are the webpages of Egyptians!
Easy Arabic This shareware program for Windows teaches the basics of Arabic. If you like it, be sure to register, or try the Arabic Tutor 2.0 program, also a Windows-based learning tool.
VISIT Egypt! After all this reading about Egypt, are you READY to go there??? This is the homepage for "Egypt Tours and Travel", which provides QUALITY tours to Egypt at the best prices around. Check out their page and see an example of the type of trip that you can take to Egypt!
U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library -- Egypt page A small (but growing) collection of material on the laws and legal system of Egypt.
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