Guardian's Ancient Egyptian Kinglist

Egyptian King List

Middle Kingdom

Eleventh Dynasty        
2134 - 1991 BC

1. Intef I                                    2134 - 2117
2. Intef II                                   2117 - 2069
3. Intef III                                 2069 - 2060
4. Mentuhotep I                        2060 - 2010
5. Mentuhotep II                      2010 - 1998
6. Mentuhotep III                     1997 - 1991
Twelfth  Dynasty                  
1991 - 1782 BC

1. Amenemhet I                    1991 - 1962
2. Senusret I                         1971 - 1926
3. Amenemhet II                  1929 - 1895
4. Senusret II                       1897 - 1878
5. Senusret III                      1878 - 1841
6. Amenemhet III                1842 - 1797
7. Amenemhet IV                 1798 - 1786
8. Queen Sobeknefru          1785 - 1782

The Second Intermediate Period
1782 - 1570 BC

The Second Intermediate Period defines another period of disunity for ancient Egypt. During this time, which spans Dynasties 11 - 17, we see foreign occupation and continued internal struggle. This all ends in the last great era of ancient Egypt, beginning with the 18th Dynasty, and the rise of the New Kingdom.


New Kingdom

Eighteenth Dynasty       
1570 - 1293 BC

1.  Ahmose I                                 1570 - 1546
2.  Amenhotep I                           1551 - 1524
3.  Tuthmosis I                             1524 - 1518
4.  Tuthmosis II                           1528 - 1504
5.  Tuthmosis III                          1504 - 1450
6.  Queen Hatshepsut                  1498 - 1483
7.  Amenhotep II                          1453 - 1419
8.  Tuthmosis IV                           1419 - 1386
9.  Amenhotep III                         1386 - 1349
10. Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton)  1350 - 1334
11. Smenkhkare                            1336 - 1334
Tutankhamun                          1334 - 1325
13. Ay                                            1325 - 1321
14. Horemheb                               1321 - 1293
Nineteenth Dynasty
1293 - 1185 BC

1. Ramesses I                     1291 - 1291
2. Seti I                                  1291 - 1278
3. Ramesses II                      1279 - 1212
4. Merneptah                        1212 - 1202
5. Amenmesses                      1202 - 1199
6. Seti II                                 1199 - 1193
7. Siptah                                 1193 - 1187
8. Queen Twosret                   1187 - 1185
Twentieth Dynasty         
1185 - 1070 BC
1. Setnakhte                                 1185 - 1182
2. Ramesses III                           1182 - 1151
3. Ramesses IV                           1151 - 1145
4. Ramesses V                             1145 - 1141
5. Ramesses VI                           1141 - 1133
6. Ramesses VII                          1133 - 1126
7. Ramesses VIII                         1133 - 1126
8. Ramesses IX                           1126 - 1108
9. Ramesses X                             1108 - 1098
10 Ramesses IV                           1098 - 1070

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The Old Kingdom


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