One of Those Days
Andrew Bayuk
Sometimes I feel that my brain’s in a blender
swirling in circles returning to sender.
Sometimes I wonder if life’s a no-brainer,
Passing me by as I go down the drainer.
Sometimes I’m searching for someone to talk to,
Looking round corners for someone to run to,
Figuring everything’s just one mind bender
sucking my brain back into the blender.
One of those days, one of those precious ones,
Churning and turning and ending where just begun.
Walk down blind passages turn round and start all again.
Striving, exerting to reach for the higher ground,
Using a megaphone, but nobody hears a sound,
feeling like Sisyphus, rolling the stone up the mountain.
Sometimes I wander for hours and hours
lost in the forest without any powers.
Fumbling in pockets for change for the cab fare,
gasping for breath while choking on bad air.
Life still goes on but only around me,
Saying it’s looking but never does found me.
Day after day its just one never-ender,
Hope they don’t notice I’m just a pretender.
Copyright (c) 1999 Andrew Bayuk
All Rights Reserved
All Songs Copyright © 2006-2008 Andrew Bayuk