Ancient Egyptian dentists Discovered! |
The first necropolis ever found dedicated to dentists has been found early this month in Saqqara while digging the area located west to the fist dynasty tombs. Dr.Zahi Hawass secretary general of the supreme council of Antiquities (SCA) announced that the necropolis includes of three tombs built of mud brick and limestone. The fist belongs to the chief dentist of the king E Emery who served during the reign of the fourth dynasty. It includes of an entrance leading to a rectangular hall with two L-shaped chapels decorated with offering and daily life scenes. |
![]() Dr. Hawass said that the most important scene is the curse inscription engraved on the false door showing a crocodile and a snake. Such an inscription, added Hawass, typically known in the old kingdom in order to horrify anyone who may enter the tomb.
The second tomb belongs to Ka- Me-Su the king’s dentist who lived during the fifth dynasty. The tomb is a rectangular niche with a huge bust less statue featuring Ka-Me-Su and his son. In front is a rectangular hall which its western wall decorated with several false doors in the shape of the royal palace façade. |
Dr. Hawass believe that because those dentists have lived near the royal palace to treat the king and his family that why the kings gave them the luxury to build their tombs in the shadow of the step pyramid. |