The Inauguration of the Temple of Dendara
The temple of Dendara was opened by H.E. Dr. Ahmed Nazief, Prime Minister of Egypt, and H.E. Farouk Hosni, Minister of Culture, following a site management program.
The temple is a prime example of the type of site management program now being implemented, which includes safe-zoning around the temple area. The approach to the temple is preceded by a parking facility located on the west side. Tourists then enter a Visitor Center where they can view a 9-minute film made by National Geographic. From the Visitor Center, tourists can then walk to the temple; the handicapped may use cars.
The temple was built for the goddess Hathor who used to visit her husband, the god Horus Behdite, at Edfu for fourteen days; the celebrations associated with this sacred marriage formed one of the greatest religious festivals in ancient Egypt. Recent excavations in front of the temple have uncovered the harbor and a ramp used by the bark of the goddess Hathor.