During the excavation the team discovered the enclosure wall that went from the north
to the south until stopping at the southeast angle. We found that this wall
continued to the west. The general design of this wall showed us a small area on
the south side of the enclosure wall where we discovered a building that was
completely unknown. After cleaning the area we found that this building was a
satellite pyramid. The base of the pyramid is approximately 20 arms long on each
side and is five courses tall. It only appears from the south side. It
is approximately 1.60 - 2.00 meters high. This pyramid it is located
approximately 10 arms from the south east angle of the pyramid of King Djedefre.
The newly discovered pyramid is situated at the exact angles and layout as the
pyramid of Djedefre. In the middle of the north façade of the newly discovered
pyramid we found a shaft that is approximately four arms deep. (H. 1.50 m. L.
1.50 m.)
In the rubble of this shaft we found a large block that was used to seal the
sub-structure of the pyramid. We discovered a corridor in the sub-structure that
went from the north to the south. Connected to this corridor is one entrance to
a chamber on the east side and two entrances to two chambers on the west side.
Artifacts discovered inside the pyramid

Some tiles that are similar to the tiles used for decoration in the
southern tomb of Djoser at the Step Pyramid in Saqqara.
A large Egyptian alabaster vessel. It is in excellent condition and
complete. It has a beautiful circular neck. (H. 36 cm. Diameter. 19 cm.) We
found the lid of the vessel. (Diameter. 11cm.)
- Fragments of a large Egyptian Alabaster plate with the inscription:
hr md ddw hwfw. This is the horus name of King Khufu, builder of
the Great Pyramid.
Many pottery fragments from water vessels. (Diameter. 25 cm.)
Two Egyptian Alabaster lids possibly from canopic jars. (Diameter. 12
cm. & 14 cm.)
The chamber on the east side contained many fragments of the lid of
a magnificent limestone sarcophagus. (H. 2.06 m. L. 0.42 m.) and some
limestone fragments from the body of the sarcophagus.
MORE on this great discovery to
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