Recent Awards To Dr. Zahi Hawass Dr. Hawass Receives Prestigious Honor The American University in Cairo grants an honorary degree to Dr. Hawass. You can read Dr. Hawass' acceptance speech to their Class of 2004 HERE.
“Distinguished Scholar” Reward Granted to Zahi Hawass Egyptian Scholars association in USA and Canada offered a crystal Obelisk to Dr. Zahi Hawass as a prize for his efforts in Archaeological domain. Dr. Zahi is the “Distinguished Scholar” of the year 2000 in appreciation for his important discoveries and archaeological researches as well as his publications. A celebration was specially held for the occasion in the Diplomatic Club, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Dr. Zahi Hawass Receives Award Zahi Hawass awarded in London The American Academy for Achievements granted Dr. Zahi Hawass and Dr. Ahmed Zweil from Egypt the Golden Plate Award usually offered to exceptional achievements serving Humanity. Zahi Hawass, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Culture and SCA director of the Giza archaeological area, was honored for his efforts in preserving and conserving the monuments. He participated in great discoveries namely the Pyramids builders' Necropolis and the Golden Mummies found in the Valley of the mummies in El Bahariya Oasis. 30 important personalities were also awarded during the same session held in London. Dr. Gaballa and SCA personnel are extending their wishes to Dr. Hawass for a brighter future. Dr. Hawass receives First Class Award of Art and Science
Commenting on his award, Dr. Hawass said, 'this award is not only for me, but it is for everyone who helped in the Sphinx restoration'. 25 May 1998