Guardian's Egypt
Guardian's Egypt Chat!
Welcome to Guardian's LIVE Egypt Chat !! Although there are no regularly scheduled chats yet, please feel free to use this room for your personal Egypt chats.

To access this chat room, type in a nickname, then press the "Join" button. This will bring you into the chat room. Once in the room, type your message into the white box and hit "Enter". You will see your message appear in the chat room and others can respond to you. If there are other chatters present, their nicknames will appear in the white box on the upper right. Enjoy!

This room takes a short while to initially load. If you see a gray box during loading this is normal. Enjoy!

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Note: If you are unable to run Java applications, Click here to get the HTML version this chat room.

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Most new browsers such as Netscape 3+ and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3+ are automatically JAVA enabled.

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