Poetry In Motion - Your Spinal Dynamics
The Spine Plainly Explained


1. The spinal bones, called the vertebrae, are designed to protect the spinal column which is a direct extension of the brain and allows your brain to communicate with and control your entire body. The vertebrae are also designed to allow extremely flexible movements of the trunk and body.

2. Each spinal segment consists of 2 vertebra with a disc in between them, and 2 facet joints at the rear. These facet joints must move properly with each motion of the spine including: flexing forward, extending backward, bending from side to side, and rotating to both sides. If any one of these motions is restricted within any of the spinal segments an imbalance results in the overall motion of the spine. A restriction in the motion or fixation of any spinal joint is called a hypomobility (hypo means "less", mobility means "movement".)

3. When any of these ranges of motion become restricted or fixated it causes other joints somewhere else in the spine to move excessively. This excessive movement of a spinal segment is called a hypermobility (hyper means "more", mobility means "movement".)

4. Spinal areas with hypomobility or hypermobility can get very irritated and cause many painful symptoms.

4. Any long standing hypomobility or hypermobility of a spinal segment will cause permanent degeneration of the affected spinal segments later in life. This degeneration comes in the form of osteoarthritis or degenerative disc problems.

5. A chiropractic physician can use highly developed tactile skills to detect the affected spinal segments and determine exactly where and in what directions they are fixated.

6. A chiropractic physician is the only health profession that is specifically trained to correct and remobilize these affected spinal segments. Chiropractors perform these adjustments, also known as spinal manipulation, to these affected segments. The adjustments in and of themselves are not normally painful.

7. The correction of these spinal problems reduces pain and restores proper spinal movement and balance.

8. The spinal segments are surrounded by muscles, ligaments and tendons which become affected by spinal hypomobility and hypermobility.

9. After the affected spinal segments are initially corrected, a prudent system of maintenance care is prescribed by the chiropractor. Maintenance care is for the purpose of keeping these spinal segments moving properly while supporting the surrounding muscles, ligaments and tendons. This includes maintenance adjustments to the spinal segments and exercise to stretch and strengthen the surrounding muscles, ligaments and tendons, and to maintain the mobility of the spine.


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Andrew Bayuk, DC
1240 University Drive
Coral Springs, Florida 33071
Tel: (954) 755-9850

Call NOW for an appointment:

Monday:   8:30 - 1:00 3:00 - 6:30
Wednesday: 8:30 - 1:00 3:00 - 6:30
Thursday: 3:00 - 6:30  
Friday: 8:30 - 1:00  

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